Rob Westlund
Pastor Rob was called to Englewood Presbyterian in 2008. He is married to Fran and they have four children. Rob is a graduate of Coastal Carolina College and Erskine Theological Seminary where he earned a BS in Biology, a Masters of Divinity, and a Doctorate of Ministry.
Rachel Westlund
Children & Youth Director
Rachel Westlund has been a part of the Englewood Presbyterian family since 2008. As someone who grew up going to youth group at EPC, she is excited and blessed to be a part of EPC’s Children, Youth, and Special Needs ministries. Rachel has Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Special Education from East Carolina University.
Mary Ruth Johnson
Director of Music
Mary Ruth has been the Director of Music Ministries since 1994. She has taught piano in the Rocky Mount area since 1997. Mary Ruth is widowed and has two adult children and three grandchildren.
Diana Gay
Nursery Attendant & Custodian
Diana started working at the EPC Preschool in 2003. She is now our Nursery Attendant and Custodian. She is married to Kelvin and has two adult children.