Connecting with Us

We want you to plug in before thinking about becoming a ministry partner!
Come As you are
Our church family dresses both casual in jeans and shorts and more formal with dresses and suits. Our Pastor generally wears a tie and sports coat.
Warm Greetings
Please feel free to ask the greeters for anything you need. Bathrooms are straight down the hall from the front doors.
The Nursery
We offer nursery (age 0-3) during both services. Our nursery worker is a paid staff person who is caring and exceptional with children.
Children’s Church
We offer Children’s Church (4K-5th grade). Around 20 minutes into the worship service children are dismissed to children’s church. Our children’s ministry volunteers lead this fun Bible teaching time in our educational wing. All children’s ministry volunteers have had background checks.

Joining as ministry partners

We have a place for you to serve, grow spiritually, receive pastoral care, and find family connection. When you decide this is the place for you, there are a couple of things to do:
Tell Someone
Connect with Pastor Rob after the worship service or talk with the greeters at the welcome tent/table. You can also connect with us by calling the church office at 252-443-3127 or submitting information using the form below.
Talk to Pastor Rob
Pastor Rob will meet with your family to discuss what being a ministry partner means. You’ll also be scheduled for the next “EPC 101” class.
What kind of group is the best fit for you? An “Experiencing God” group or maybe you would like to explore a “Discipleship Journey with a Coach.”
There are many opportunities to serve both within the church and in our community. You’ve likely already been serving and now you’ll be able to potentially lead a group or join the leadership team.

Frequently asked questions

What should I expect at the 10:30 Sunday morning service?
The 10:30 service is contemporary with newer songs and hymns, and a mix of keyboard, drums, base, and guitar lead by our praise team. This service is live streamed on Facebook.
When do we celebrate the Lord’s Supper?
We celebrate the Lord’s Supper (communion) generally on the first Sunday of each month.
How long does a worship service last?
Services usually last 1 hour to 1 hour 15 minutes.   During these times, EPC families gather to worship God through prayer, singing, giving, and listening to the explanation and application of God’s Word.
Where are the bathrooms?
Bathrooms are located straight down the hall and around the corner on the left from the entry door.

Contact me